Greetings from Israel! I'm

3/23/10 -- Greetings from Israel! I'm here giving author presentations at the American International School north of Tel Aviv. The flight over here was tough (24 hours travel time, 9,000 miles, ten time zones), but well worth it. The school is fantastic, kids a delight, teachers outstanding. What more could a visiting author ask for?

And then there is the country itself. Talk about antiquities! There are places where 2,000-year-old pot shards are scattered about like gravel. We've seen a lot already, and taken tons of pictures, but here are a few to hopefully at least give a taste:

The ancient port of Caesarea, built by Herod beginning in 22 BC. Over the centuries it was occupied by a series of invaders, including the Crusaders. Now it's an Israeli National Park, and an archaeological treasure.

Roman aqueduct that carried water to Caesarea.

2,000-year-old tile floor. Who needs linoleum?


I'm just now back in Oregon


Packing this afternoon for