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A great reading chair.

1/28/09 -- A great reading chair. Makes me look like a little kid, huh? Appropriate, since I write for them. Actually, it's a user-friendly sculpture at the University of Oregon in Eugene, where my daughter, Amy, goes to school. Guess what she's m...

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After reviewing my first

1/27/09 -- After reviewing my first novel, I'M GOING TO BE FAMOUS (See 1/19/09 entry and link below), Michael Jung of Suite 101.com asked is he could interview me for a seperate article. I said it sounded like fun, and we set up a time -- today. N...

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As you may have noticed

1/25/09 -- As you may have noticed, my web site is undergoing a revamp. I'm spending time today going over each page and looking for changes needed. If you have suggestions, feel free to send them my way at tom@tombirdseye.com.

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I received word this week

1/19/09 -- I received word this week that my first novel, I'M GOING TO BE FAMOUS, which has been in print for over 22 years, has just gotten a new review! Suite 101.com is an online magazine that, according to contributing writer Michael Jung, is ...

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Since New Years,

1/8/09 -- Since New Years I've asked a number of people if they've made any resolutions for 2009. The vast majority say no, then make a joke about not being able to keep the resolution anyway, so why bother. I understand this mentality, but don't ...

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The weather continues

12/23/08 -- The weather continues to throw curve balls here in Oregon. Portland has been hit by what's being called a One Hundred Year Storm. Amy, my youngest daughter, is safely home from college. Kelsey, and her boyfriend, Tyler, are bumping alo...

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More snow in the Willamette

12/20/08 -- More snow in the Willamette Valley. I find it hard to stay on task with a view like this outside my office window. Rain is in the forecast for later in the day, though, so I'd better take a break and get out there and enjoy it while it...

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Short entry today, as it's

12/16/08 -- Short entry today, as it's late and I've worked long and hard on ATTACK: TAKE TWO. In a few minutes I'm headed out with some friends to go to the indoor rock climbing gym at Oregon State University to get some exercise. True, an indoor...

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Knowing me to be an avid rock

12/12/08 -- Knowing me to be an avid rock climber, my oldest daughter, Kelsey, sent me the following:The bridge shown below is on the Old Donner Pass Highway. It has some spectacular views of the Sierras and Donner Lake. A bear was walking across ...

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A short day of writing today,

12/09/08 -- A short day of writing today, but productive nonetheless -- almost done with the first draft of the first four scenes of ATTACK OF THE MUTANT UNDERWEAR: TAKE TWO. Tomorrow I make the drive north on I-5 to Portland for an appointment at...

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I get to meet many wonderful

12/04/08 -- I get to meet many wonderful librarians in my travels to speak in schools, and am impressed over and over again with their commitment to kids and to getting books in kids' hands. A good example is Alecia Marcum of Natcher Elementary in...

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Hard to believe it's December

12/1/08 -- Hard to believe it's December already. Nice to be home, though, with plenty of time to work on the ATTACK OF THE MUTANT UNDERWEAR: TAKE TWO. Today I got a rough draft of the first scene done, and a good start on the second. No attempt i...

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Quitting work early today.

11/26/08 -- Quitting work early today. My daughters, Kelsey and Amy, will be arriving for Thanksgiving and there's much to do to get ready. Fun! Given that the day after Thanksgiving is generally considered to be the biggest shopping day of the ye...

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Today I'm working on a

11/24/08 -- Today I'm working on a detailed synopsis (known in the screenwritingworld as a treatment) of ATTACK OF THE MUTANT UNDERWEAR: TAKE TWO. Essentially, I'm walking my way through the story, scene by scene, figuring out which way it might g...

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My calendar for author visits

11/21/08 -- My calendar for author visits for the 2008-2009 school year is getting very full. So far I've spoken in mostly Oregon schools, but will soon be trekking to California, Washington, Texas, Iowa, Georgia, Brazil (yes, the one in South Ame...

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I have now finished doing

11/20/08 -- I have now finished doing most of the initial brainstorming for ATTACK OF THE MUTANT UNDERWEAR: TAKE TWO. Instead of trying to dream up everything that is going to happen, I rely on the hundreds of notes I've jotted down over the years...

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FINALLY, all software issues

11/19/08 -- FINALLY, all software issues resolved -- knock on wood -- and I'm back to journaling again! Much to report on that has happened in the interim, but most importantly: my editor has read STORM MOUNTAIN and likes it. Whew! I admit to nerv...

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Friday, and a good day of

11/7/08 -- Friday, and a good day of writing. Spent most of my time working on subplot possibilites for ATTACK OF THE MUTANT UNDERWEAR: TAKE TWO. Fitting them and the central plot together is always a puzzle, but not one to be solved, instead it's...

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Recently I've had more issues

11/4/08 -- Recently I've had more issues with the internet plaguing me: web site hosting, software, and email. Don't you just love technology? Actually, I do enjoy the pleasures of working on a computer, and doing research on the Web, and being ab...

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In the past three weeks I've

10/30/08 -- In the past three weeks I've had the opportunity to meet three of my old students from 30 years ago when I taught at Oceanlake Elementary School in Lincoln City, Oregon. What a delight! Even though two of the three sometimes gave me a ...

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