24 hours of travel time from
5/28/09 -- 24 hours of travel time from Brazil to Corvallis, OR, and I'm home. For a couple of days, anyway. Then it's pack up again and I'm off to the beautiful state of Washington for more school visits, the last of the 2008-2009 school year.
The Brazil trip was fantastic, albeit short. I didn't have time to take many photos, but here are a few:
A capibara, the largest rodent in the world, the size of a sheep. Really!
Botanical garden in Curitiba.
Dr. Suessian pine tree, which is found only in southern Brazil.
Rain forest hike with wonderful hosts, Kathy and Kae.
What it's all about: kids and books. Good thing he's got his seat belt on; stories can be a wild ride!