Another school year has

6/11/08 -- Another school year has ended, and I've spoken to my last group of kids about the writing process. Signed lots of books, too. Great fun, all of it.

Now I'm focused solely on finishing STORM MOUNTAIN. Granted, it's taken much longer than I predicted, but such is the writing life.

A typical day for me starts with a bit of writing before breakfast, then full-on until about 11:00, when I break for either a mountain bike ride or a run. After lunch I do the world a favor and take a shower, then hit the keyboard again. Often afternoon turns into my most productive time. By 5:00 my brain is toast, and I call it quits for the day. Not a bad life. Not bad at all.

A friend recently passed on a wonderful quote that is not about writing, but could be:

"The charm of fishing (read: writing) is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.” - John Buchan

Keep angling for that story!


I've just finished packing


The weather