The weather

5/19/08 -- The weather, a very important factor in STORM MOUNTAIN, has been playing with us here in Oregon as of late. Two weekends ago we got snowed on during our annual trip on the north side of Mount Hood. This past weekend the temperature raged near 100 in Corvallis.

I don't mind, though. It's just what is, and there is nothing I can do about it anyway.

At least in real life. In a story, however, I can make the weather be whatever I want it to be.

Or the results of the weather. Consider the two photos below.  Same location, same month, different year.

May, 2007

May, 2008

Yes, that's the cabin under all of that snow.  The black hole at the bottom of the photo is the front door!

Think such a deep snowpack could have an impact on a story? Yep, me too. Imagine the possibilities . . .

So don't forget to factor in that other "character" -- weather -- when writing!


Another school year has


After two weeks