I received the lost email

2/27/09 -- I received the lost email today (see post below) containing editorial comments on STORM MOUNTAIN. The print-out is over three pages long, single spaced, and that's just for big picture stuff, not line editing (specifics on word choice, grammar, punctuation, etc). Some people would find this daunting, I know, but I am psyched! I knew there were things in the story that needed . . . something, but I'd gone over every single word so many times I could no longer see the forest for the trees. My editor, Julie Amper, has not only put her finger on the rough spots, but done so in detail and with great insight. Sure, it means more work for me, but I know that with her help the book will go to press much stronger. Never underestimate the power of a good editor.


Going out of print


I just found out that an