My old Kentucky home

Greetings from the Bluegrass State. Yesterday was my mother's memorial service in Danville, the day before that my mother-in-law's 90th birthday celebration here in Lexington. It was a weekend of intense emotions that swerved, rose, and plummeted without warning. During the course of the roller coater ride, I was able to spend quite a bit of time with an 84-year-old friend, Chris Kubale. At one point she reflected on aging and how things that bothered her "mightily" in the past now "amount to no more than a fart in a wind storm." Ha! And so true. Celebrate birth, celebrate life that has crossed the finish line, try to contribute to the greater good, and let the rest of it go. Wishing you some of today's Kentucky sunshine, even if there are chilly gusts cracking out of the north. Me, I'm going to enjoy a few more hours of the wrestling match I'm having with my middle grade novel, then get out for a long run, into the wind.


Back in the Saddle Again


Words matter