Research Road Trip

Research Road Trip (RRT) to kick of my YA novel, Fracture Lines, begins today. I'm going to drive from Corvallis, OR to Boise, ID and back (900 miles total), taking backroads the entire trek. Along the way I'll be living in my car, just as my protagonist, Wren, will be doing for a part of his story. The plan is not to have a plan. I'll be sleeping under the stars in the desert, hanging out in small Central Oregon towns, flipping coins at intersections, and generally keeping myself open to whatever falls in my lap. The whole time I'll be trying to view the world through Wren's 18-year-old eyes, eyes that are searching for a missing girl, Elle, whom he promised to look after. My hope is to come home with lots of insight into Wren, as well as scenes that I can use in the story. Let the wandering begin!


There and Back Again


The Medium