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Good writing today. Just not

10/10/07 -- Good writing today. Just not enough of it. I leave tomorrow for Orlando, Florida to speak at the state librarians'-media specialists' conference. I've printed out a couple of chapters to work on during the flight cross country. Less th...

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A quick blog today, as I'm

9/18/07 -- A quick blog today, as I'm headed out the door for the Portland airport and my to Bangladesh. 27 hours of flight time -- whew! -- but oh, the adventure . . . And to top it all off I get to work for a week with kids in the American Inter...

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I'm working these days with

9/12/07 -- I'm working these days with fine sandpaper. By that I mean that the changes to STORM MOUNTAIN are getting smaller, more in the realm of finishing touches. Well, actually that might be a bit of an exaggeration, giving the impression that...

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Writing takes a backseat

8/28/07 -- Writing took a backseat this past week, being filled with preparations to take my youngest daughter, Amy, to college. Car crammed with her gear, we finally headed off for two days of orientation. Very exciting stuff, both for us as pare...

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Crevasse Adventure

8/3/07 -- Photos below are from the previously mentioned crevasse adventure on Mt. Hood, the purpose of which -- besides a fun day in the high country -- was to help me with the crevasse rescue scenes in my book, STORM MOUNTAIN. The White River Gl...

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I've had a productive week

5/11/07 -- I've had a productive week of writing, and now for the icing on the cake! Early tomorrow morning my wife, Debbie, and I leave for a trip into the backcountry of the Oregon Cascades. We'll drive from Corvallis to the north side of Mt. Ho...

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Below is a photo of my office.

4/10/07 -- Below is a photo of my office. I post it because I believe that where a person writes matters. For me, that means a space where I can organize all of my notes, have plenty of light, the equipment I need (gotta have my Mac), and privacy ...

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I'm back from school visits in

3/23/07 -- I'm back from school visits in Michigan. Great trip. Great teachers doing great things with kids. Nice to see.Been working this week on the first rewrite of STORM MOUNTAIN. Have made my way to chapter 6 and so far all is going well. I'd...

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