The End of the Tunnel

Just recently I walked, blinking, into the light after five months in a tunnel of converging deadlines. It was a perfect storm of pressure, and not without cost. I may not be young any more, recovery takes longer than it used to, but I'm happy to report that I'm approaching 100% Tom-levels again, and it feels oh-so-good. 

So oh-so-good that I'm back on the treadmill desk (literally, see pic), and working on a new novel. It will be my first YA, working title Fracture Lines, and I am stoked. For those of you who are Twitter . . . ites? istas? ons? Whatever. For those of you who use Twitter, I will be Tweeting regularly about the process of writing Fracture Lines. Check it out: @TomBirdseye1.



Fleet Feet Tweets #1


Character Development/Debeardment